
Language: Norwegian
Author: NRK Studio 2

In the real world, no two bodies are alike. But how does it affect us as an audience that there is apparently no room for different bodies in the performing arts? Ute i den virkelige verden er ingen kropp lik. Men hvordan påvirker det oss som publikum at det tilsynelatende ikke er plass til ulike kropper i scenekunsten?

De vi ikke snakker om når vi snakker om mangfold

Translation: Those we do not talk about when we talk about diversity

Language: Norwegian
Author: Mariken Lauvstad

For the past two years, diversity, inclusion and representativeness have been a recurring theme in the performing arts debate. But there are still some groups that are almost consistently overlooked.

Lanserer podcast om kunst og funksjonsmangfold

Translation: Launches podcast on art and functional diversity

Language: Norwegian
Author: UiT Norway's Arctic University

The podcast will contribute to a more diverse and representative field of art, and be a platform for reflection and discussion, exchange of knowledge and experience related to functional diversity in art. The podcast is a collaboration between UiT Norway's Arctic University, the Festival in Northern Norway and NUK (New Young Art).

Nytt kunnskapsprosjekt om kunstnere med funksjonsnedsettelser

Translation: New project about artists with disabilities

Language: Norwegian
Author: Kulturrådet

The cultural sector needs more knowledge about what promotes and what prevents people with disabilities from working as professional artists. The Norwegian Arts Council is now announcing a knowledge project on the topic.

Flere med funksjonsnedsettelser skal få arbeidspraksis i kulturlivet

Translation: More people with disabilities will get work experience in cultural sector

Language: Norwegian
Author: Kulturrådet

The Arts Council Norway is now launching a pilot project where cultural institutions can receive grants to employ candidates with disabilities. The project is part of their long-term commitment to diversity in the arts sector.