Ilke Teerlinck

Ilke Teerlinck was born and is currently living in Belgium where she is working freelance as a dancer and performer, specialized in contemporary dance and dance theatre for young children. She graduated as a dancer in dance theatre and modern dance at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in The Netherlands in 2015.

During her studies she met and worked with the company tout petit as a second cast in the performance ‘ Kom mee, Leon!’, where she had her first encounter with performing for a young audience. After she started developing herself more in performances for young children by continuing working with tout petit as a second cast in ‘Schots en scheef’ and ‘licht!’ and by also working with the company Sprookjes Enzo where she toured with ‘De Tuin’ (2015)  ‘Sneeuw!’ (2016-2017) and ‘Lampionaio’(2016-2019).

She is very interested in how to make performances for children based on contemporary dance, challenging them and encouraging them to use their imagination and explore movement.